Shipping NOTICE: Orders placed today ship July 30

Anchor Stone Building Block Sets from Germany

Design Studio

The Design Studio is the space for adding value to your Anchor Stone collection. It features; additional building plans and directions, styling elements for your models, and memorabilia from the long history of Anker Steinbaukasten.

How to Use the Design Studio

(1) Choose your area of interest below and then browse the additional material as "products". (2) Select the item that interests you and then download from the link. (All items are PDFs or JPGs.)

Building Plans

Extra designs and building plans for your Anchor Stone sets.

Extra designs and building plans for Anchor Stones

Styling Elements

Styling elements and ornamentation for Anchor Stone models.

Styling elements and ornamentation for models


Memorabilia from the long history of Anker Steinbaukasten.

Memorabilia from the long history of Anker Steinbaukasten